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Accessing the Kibana Dashboard

Dracon ships with an instance of Elastic Search to store results in. We can use Kibana to explore it through a UI.

Port-Forward the Kibana Pod

kubectl -n dracon port-forward svc/dracon-kb-http 5601:5601

Get the Credentials

To log in to Kibana you need credentials. The username is elastic. You can retrieve the password by running:

kubectl -n dracon get secret dracon-es-elastic-user \
-o=jsonpath='{.data.elastic}' | \
base64 -d &&\

Explore the Kibana Dashboard

And that's it! Now we can explore the Kibana Dashboard by navigating to http://localhost:5601/ in our browser and logging in with the credentials from above.

To see any data that was created by Dracon we can use the Discover feature in Kibana. Click on Analytics > Discover on the homepage or follow this link.

Add a New Data View

Then, we need to create a new data view. We only need to do this once.

  1. Click on the data dropdown, by default it will say something like kibana_sample_data_...
  2. Click on Create a data view
    1. Name it dracon
    2. Under timestamp field select scan_start_time
    3. Click Create data view

You should now see your data.


If you can't see any data, try changing the date filter in the top right corner to e.g. Last 7 days.