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Write your own Pipeline

There are several example pipelines in the /examples folder.
In this tutorial we are going to create our own one.
We assume that you have already completed all steps in the Installation tutorial.
Check where your smithyctl is, e.g. in ./bin/cmd/linux/amd64/smithyctl.


Here is how we are going to create the pipeline:

  1. Create a kustomization.yaml file pointing to the components that we want to use.
  2. Write a pipelineRun.yaml to provide values for the pipeline run.

Create the Pipeline

Let's assume that we want to scan a repository, which contains code written in Go. Since we are scanning Go it makes sense to also enrich the results by detecting duplicates and as a bonus let's also apply a Rego policy.

Write the Kustomization.yaml

We can compose this pipeline by writing the following kustomization.yaml in the Smithy repository's root:

# file: go-pipeline/kustomization.yaml
kind: Kustomization
nameSuffix: -go-pipeline
- pkg:helm/smithy-security-oss-components/base
- pkg:helm/smithy-security-oss-components/git-clone
- pkg:helm/smithy-security-oss-components/producer-golang-gosec
- pkg:helm/smithy-security-oss-components/producer-golang-nancy
- pkg:helm/smithy-security-oss-components/producer-aggregator
- pkg:helm/smithy-security-oss-components/enricher-policy
- pkg:helm/smithy-security-oss-components/enricher-deduplication
- pkg:helm/smithy-security-oss-components/enricher-aggregator
- pkg:helm/smithy-security-oss-components/consumer-stdout-json

In this file:

  • we tell smithyctl that we want the pipeline pods to have the suffix *-go-pipeline
  • it should base everything on the base task.yaml and pipeline.yaml
  • it should start by running a git clone to get the code for scanning.
  • it should scan the code with the nancy and gosec components.
  • it should aggregate the scanning results
  • it should enrich the results by applying policy and deduplicating enrichment
  • it should aggregate the enriched results
  • finally it should return the results as JSON

Edit the pipeline run parameters

To run a pipeline you need a pipelinerun.yaml which binds values to the component variables and instructs k8s to run the relevant pipeline.
For our pipeline we can use the following pipelinerun.yaml:

# file: ./go-pipeline/pipelinerun.yaml
kind: PipelineRun
generateName: go-pipeline-
name: go-pipeline
- name: git-clone-url
value: <Your Git URL>
- name: git-clone-subdirectory
value: source-code
- name: output
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 1Gi

In this pipelinerun we provide the minimal values required to run the components.
Namely, a git-clone-url pointing to the repository we want to clone. You can provide more values and customize the components more by providing the relevant values as shown in each component documentation.

Deploy the Pipeline

Deploy the pipeline using the address of your smithyctl:

./bin/cmd/linux/amd64/smithyctl pipelines deploy ./go-pipeline

Run the Pipeline

This pipelinerun can be triggered with:

kubectl create -n smithy -f ./go-pipeline/pipelinerun.yaml

You can monitor this pipeline's execution either in the Tekton dashboard or using:

kubectl get pods -w -n smithy

That will result in something like:

smithy-golang-project-lvdsp-enricher-aggregator-pod      0/2     PodInitializing   0            2s
smithy-golang-project-lvdsp-enricher-codeowners-pod 0/2 Completed 0 7s
smithy-golang-project-lvdsp-enricher-aggregator-pod 0/2 Completed 0 4s
smithy-golang-project-lvdsp-consumer-stdout-json-pod 0/1 PodInitializing 0 1s
smithy-golang-project-lvdsp-enricher-aggregator-pod 0/2 Completed 0 6s
smithy-golang-project-lvdsp-enricher-aggregator-pod 0/2 Completed 0 6s
smithy-golang-project-lvdsp-consumer-stdout-json-pod 1/1 Running 0 2s
smithy-golang-project-lvdsp-consumer-stdout-json-pod 0/1 Completed 0 4s

Get Results

Note the name of the JSON pod when you run kubectl get pods -w -n smithy.
The results are in that pod's logs.
When the Status is "completed", you can get the enriched results with:

kubectl -n smithy logs smithy-golang-project-[your-pod-code]-consumer-stdout-json-pod | jq