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Consumer component that prints findings a PDF document. It then pushes the PDF into an AWS S3 bucket.

How to use


  1. Add the Helm package to the pipeline settings:
# file: ./my-pipeline/kustomization.yaml
kind: Kustomization
- pkg:helm/smithy-security-oss-components/consumer-pdf
  1. Configure the run parameters of the component in the pipeline run file:
# file: ./my-pipeline/pipelinerun.yaml
- name: consumer-pdf-s3-access-key-id
value: <Your S3 access key ID>
- name: consumer-pdf-s3-secret-access-key
value: <Your S3 access key>
- name: consumer-pdf-s3-bucket-name
value: <Your S3 bucket name>
- name: consumer-pdf-s3-bucket-region
value: <Your S3 bucket region>
- name: consumer-pdf-template-location
value: <path to your pdf template in HTML>


  1. In the Smithy UI, open the page to create a new workflow.
  2. Find the PDF component in the Consumers dropdown.
  3. Click on the PDF flow icon to bring the form to the top
  4. Fill the form on the right


You can configure this component with the following options. The options that have a default value are optional:

Option NameDescriptionDefaultType
[Required] consumer-pdf-s3-access-key-idYour S3 access key IDString
[Required] consumer-pdf-s3-secret-access-keyYour S3 access keyString
[Required] consumer-pdf-s3-bucket-nameYour S3 bucket nameString
[Required] consumer-pdf-s3-bucket-regionYour S3 bucket regionString
consumer-pdf-template-locationPath to your PDF template in HTML"/app/components/consumers/pdf/default.html"String