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Creating a Pipeline

Composing pipelines is easy, it just takes four steps:

  1. Write a kustomization.yaml file pointing to the components you want to use.
  2. Run draconctl pipelines build <path/to/kustomization.yaml> and redirect the output to a yaml file. This automatically collects all the component yamls to a single templated file.
  3. Write a helm Chart.yaml for your pipeline
  4. Write a pipelineRun.yaml providing values for your pipeline


Let's assume we want to scan a repository, that contains code written in Go. Since we are scannign Go it makes sense to also enrich the results by detecting duplicates and as a bonus let's also apply a Rego policy. We can compose this pipeline by writing the following kustomization.yaml

In the following file:

  • we tell draconctl that we want the pipeline pods to have the suffix *-golang-project
  • it should base everything to the official task.yaml and pipeline.yaml
  • it should start by running a git clone to bring the code in for scanning
  • it should scan the code with the nancy and gosec components.
  • it should aggregate the scanning results
  • enrich the results by applying policy and deduplicating
  • it should aggregate the enriched results
  • finally draconctl should push results to mongodb and elasticsearch
# file: go-pipeline/kustomization.yaml
kind: Kustomization
nameSuffix: -go-pipeline
- ../../../components/base/pipeline.yaml
- ../../../components/base/task.yaml
- ../../../components/sources/git
- ../../../components/producers/aggregator
- ../../../components/producers/golang-gosec
- ../../../components/producers/golang-nancy
- ../../../components/enrichers/aggregator
- ../../../components/enrichers/policy
- ../../../components/enrichers/deduplication
- ../../../components/consumers/mongodb
- ../../../components/consumers/elasticsearch

Then executing draconctl pipelines build ./go-pipeline/kustomization.yaml > ./go-pipeline/templates/all.yaml generates a Helm template. To make the template into a chart we create the following Chart.yaml

# file: ./go-pipeline/Chart.yaml
apiVersion: v2
name: "dracon-golang-project"
description: "A Helm chart for deploying a Dracon pipeline for a Golang project."
type: "application"
version: 0.0.1
appVersion: "0.0.1"

We can manage this chart as any other Helm chart and install it with:

helm upgrade go-pipeline ./go-pipeline --install \
--set "container_registry=kind-registry:5000/ocurity/dracon" \
--set "dracon_os_component_version=$(make print-DRACON_VERSION)"

and that's it!

Running a pipeline

To run a pipeline you need a pipelinerun.yaml which binds values to the component variables and instructs k8s to run the relevant pipeline. For the pipeline above we can use the following pipelinerun.yaml

# file: ./go-pipeline/pipelinerun/pipelinerun.yaml
kind: PipelineRun
generateName: go-pipeline-
name: go-pipeline
- name: git-clone-url
value: <Your Git URL>
- name: git-clone-subdirectory
value: source-code
- name: output
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 1Gi

In this pipelinerun we provide the minimal values required to run the components , namely a git-clone-url pointing to the repository we want to clone. You can provide more values and customize the components more by providing the relevant values as shown in each component documentation.

This pipelinerun can be triggered with: cat ./go-pipeline/pipelinerun/pipelinerun.yaml | kubectl create -f -

You can monitor this pipeline's execution either in the Tekton dashboard or using kubectl get po -w