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Stdout JSON

Consumer component that prints the pipeline results into a log in JSON format.

How to use


  1. Add the Helm package to the pipeline settings:
# file: ./my-pipeline/kustomization.yaml
kind: Kustomization
- pkg:helm/smithy-security-oss-components/consumer-stdout-json


  1. In the Smithy UI, open the page to create a new workflow.
  2. Find the Stdout JSON component in the Consumers dropdown.


The JSON results are printed into this component's pod logs. To read it, you need to run the following while the pipeline is running:

kubectl get pods -w -n smithy

This will tell you the name of the stdout-json pod. When the stdout-json pod is marked as Complete, you can read the logs with:

kubectl -n smithy logs smithy-golang-project-[your-pod-code]-consumer-stdout-json-pod | jq